تمارين لليدين بعد شغل الكروشية ... اتمنى تفيدكم
بعد مجهود الكروشيه لازم تعملوا كل الى فى الصور دى لانها هتفيد ايديكم اوى
- المساهمة في زيادة معدل مرونة وحركة الأصابع.
- تساهم في التخلص من ألم العظام ، بسبب ممارسة الأعمال اليدوية ، مما يتسبب في حدوث التقلص العضلي.
- تساهم تمارين المقبض ، في زيادة كفاءة ممارسة الأوزان ، وزيادة قوة وحجم الساعد .
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Contribute to increasing the rate of flexibility and movement of the fingers.
It contributes to relieving bone pain, due to the practice of manual work, which causes muscle contraction.
Handle the exercises, increase the efficiency of exercise weights, and increase the strength and size of the forearm
It contributes to relieving bone pain, due to the practice of manual work, which causes muscle contraction.
Handle the exercises, increase the efficiency of exercise weights, and increase the strength and size of the forearm
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اسبكم مع الصور
Exercises for palm after work
love crochet
I know when I am working a crochet, I forget myself, and I want to make my most sincere piece.
Of course, after what I am saving, Idia will be very tired
Because of this, I found a set of hand exercises that got rid of the effects of crochet work
I mean work, be creative and I will support you
Here are exercises and always sound and well-
love crochet
I know when I am working a crochet, I forget myself, and I want to make my most sincere piece.
Of course, after what I am saving, Idia will be very tired
Because of this, I found a set of hand exercises that got rid of the effects of crochet work
I mean work, be creative and I will support you
Here are exercises and always sound and well-
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