زينى بيتك واعمل ديكور كروشيه وازاى تبداى فى بطانية طفل بالوان مختلفه

- Change colors every few rounds to create a large crochet granny square blanket. This one has some added detail to the design with a second rainbow as a large striped border. The final edging is a picot-inspired bobble. This design uses a neutral color for that edging; use white for a more chic look or black to make the rainbow shades pop.
- Learn how to crochet the granny stitch in the round as a spiral for this really fun dreamcatcher pattern. Use yarn wrapping to attach the pattern to a round hoop for hanging and display. Change colors strategically to get the rainbow pattern
- .Dress up your home with rainbows starting with this solid basket pattern. Use it to store your yarn, magazines, or any number of other items in the house. Something interesting you'll notice is that the pattern uses all of the colors of the rainbow but not quite in the traditional order; play around with changing colors in this way to create different effects.
- تدريب مهم جدا فى الفديو ممكن ان يكتمل ليصبح بطانيه من الوان قوس قزح الجميل كما ان لها استخدمات اخرى فى التدريب الفديو فى الاعلى
- يمكن تستخدم كزينه للحائط مع استخدام الالوان التى تفضلها او اضافة الوان اخرى وعملها بعنقود
- استخدمها لعمل سله او حافظه للكروشيه من الالوان المختلفه التى تحير من يراها
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