baby jacket 0-5 month steap by steap |جاكت كروشية من 0-5 شهور
baby jacket 0-5 month steap by steap |جاكت كروشية من 0-5 شهور
الشرح فى الفيديو اسفل الوصف
The explanation is in the video below
مع حلول الشتاء والامهات تسعى الى محافظه على ابنائها من خلال شراء الملابس الثقيله وخاصه للاطفال ولكن غالبا ما ينخدع الاشخاص فى الخامات والجوده
فدائما نقول ان المشغولات اليدويه والكروشيه هى افضل حل لتجنب المشاكل لانها تختار جيدا من نوعيه خيط وجوده جيده جدا ويضاف فرحة الام وهى تعلم انها من فعلته لابنائها خصوصا لو كانوا من المواليد مثل موضعنا اليوم وهو جاكت او فستان اطفال ممكن ان يلبس تحته اى شىء وخامته عاليه وهو خاص بالمواليد وشرح بسيط
With the onset of winter, mothers seek to preserve their children by buying heavy clothes, especially for children, but people are often deceived by the materials and quality
We always say that handicraft and crochet is the best solution to avoid problems because she chooses well from the quality of the thread and his quality is very good and adds the joy of the mother and she knows that she did it for her children especially if they were born like our place today and it is a jacket or a children's dress that can wear under it anything and its high material It is for births and a simple explanation
للفديو اضغط هنا for video prass here
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