شنطه لا تصدقى انها من الكروشية وسهله جدا | bag you dont bleave it is crochet
شنطه لا تصدقى انها من الكروشية وسهله جدا
bag you dont bleave it is crochet
الشنطه او حافظة النقود او حافظة الاشياء من اكتر اهتمامات المراة فى العالم لما لها من رونق ومظهر جيد وايضا لما تقوم به من تمييز للمراه فى كافة الاماكن .
كما ان الوقت الحالى اصبح اختيار المراه للشنط وحافظات النقود العصريه التى تظهر رونقا متميز جدا للمراة
من اكثر الاشياء اهميه للمراه فهى تختار ما يناسبها ويناسب الموضه الحاليه بين النساء.
فدائما ما نبحث عن التطور وما هو موجود فى الاسواق من موضه لنجعلها اسهل على كل امراه وسيده لتقوم بعملها بيدها بعيدا عن غلاء الاسعار فى اسواق الشنط
ومن بين الشنط وجدنا شنطه مبطنه بالكنافاه وهى الاشهر حاليا فى الوقت الحالى فقمنا بدرسها وتصنيعها فى اقل من ربع ساعه
فى الفديو اسفل
The purse, the wallet, or the wallet of things are among the most important concerns of women in the world because of their luster and good appearance, and also because of the discrimination they make to women in all places
Also, the current time has become the teenagers' choice of bags and modern wallets that show a very distinctive luster for women
One of the most important things for women
is that they choose what suits them and suits the current situation among women We are always looking for development and what is present in the markets of fashion will not make it easier for every woman and his lady to do her work with her hand away from the high prices in bags markets Among the bags, we found a bag lined with kenafa, which is the most popular now, so we studied and manufactured it in less than a quarter of an hour
Also, the current time has become the teenagers' choice of bags and modern wallets that show a very distinctive luster for women
One of the most important things for women
is that they choose what suits them and suits the current situation among women We are always looking for development and what is present in the markets of fashion will not make it easier for every woman and his lady to do her work with her hand away from the high prices in bags markets Among the bags, we found a bag lined with kenafa, which is the most popular now, so we studied and manufactured it in less than a quarter of an hour
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